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Lime Hand Cleaner DEB 2ltr LIM2LTR

Please see HCR 635 LIME BEADED HAND CLEANER for alternative

Removes everyday industrial soiling's,
such as oil, grease and general dirt and grime.
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Lime Hand Cleaner DEB

DEB’s Beaded Lime Hand Cleaner (LIM2LTR) is an advanced formulation using natural ingredients to rapidly remove oil, grease and general soiling efficiently from hands.

Swarfega Beaded Lime Hand Cleaner Advantages

  • No solvents are contained within the hand cleaner making it mild on skin
  • A mild scented Lime fragrance leaves your skin feeling revitalised after use
  • The Beaded formulation with micro-polymer granules act as thousands of tiny scrubbing bristles to remove those hard to dislodge soilings, whist keeping the skin undamaged
  • Contains added wheatgerm to keep hands moisturised and to prevent skin form drying out

The DEB Swarfega Lime Hand Cleaner has a Cartridge system that dispenses an amazing 2,000 quality Hand Cleaner shots, perfect for high usage environments and value for money.
Weight 2kg